Yesterday, after adding a post about how to add mopub banner ads and mopub multiple banner. Today I will discuss a bit about airpush. Airpush is one of the major companies engaged in advertising providers that require the publisher and advertiser. Advertiser herein are those who advertise the application, game or contentnya that visited and preferred by many people while the duty of the publisher is none other than spreading advertisement from the advertiser through integration in android apps and games, but now airpush also been added concentration on the website.

To minimize the time, I will explain what is needed to study the airpush banner advertising. Way that will I bring about the same by inserting ads into the project mopub android, system and do the same, so if the previous tutorial you have successfully added mopub banner ads and mopub multiple banner, it will be very easy for you to learn and experiment for new thing.

As usual, all you need is one of the software maker android application that eclipse, androidstudio. However, I do not use both software but AIDE android application that helps me to experiment freely from my hp.

Once you have one of the software maker android app is up and running well, the last needed is a sample project or initial project provided by the maker software application, call it "Hello World" project. Thus we will begin coding to insert ads into the project airpush android.

In the Hello World project, there are many files and folders, but we need only a few files like AndroidManifest.xml, main.xml (located in the folder res - layout - main.xml) and last (located in the src folder ). Here are more appropriate steps and details.

1. In the Hello World project, add the libs folder, this folder will be used to store our Airpush SDK download on his website.
2. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the code below.

Add these lines below your uses-sdk.
And add these lines inside your <application> tag
Enter your APIKEY AppId and the activity above, and also make sure you change the name in accordance with the SDK SDK com.yuasvvjb.nnrwsvu215406 provided by the airpush for your application.

3. Furthermore, adding the code in the file main.xml like the code below.
Adjust row <com.yuasvvjb.nnrwsvu215406 into rows corresponding to the name of your Airpush SDK.

4. Open the file and add the code like below.

Edit Import row above and adjust the Airpush SDK name given by them for you.

Save and Compile your project, to test ads, use the emulator or your phone.

If you want to bring up the banner ads as much as 3 or even more, simply copy and paste the code that is in main.xml and, then replace the name "id" it then you've managed to create applications with multi banner.

Thank you for visiting and attention, may be useful and wait for my next tutorial.
Next we will learn about Airpush Multi Banner.
Or learn what i wrote yesterday here mopub banner ads and mopub multiple banner.



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  2. Please update link


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