For those of you who did find it difficult to learn how to add ads into your android project, now I'll post the finished project you live or already done. But you just have to rename SDK on main.xml file, AndroidManifest.xml and

Hopefully you can learn to do the project from within and begin to understand what matters and which parts are becoming critical success in adding advertisements in android project.

I like for you guys who want to learn and find out, so I do not like it if you, my loyal blog readers do not learn it and do not feel able to make it on their own.

However, if you want to learn without the example project, you can visit this page, but my advice in order to visit the single banner first, because the multi-banner is a continuation of the single and can make you more confused if the direct study of multi version banner.

To add more ads, I'm not going to explain it here, but you can read in my previous post MULTI BANNER AIRPUSH. There are steps you going to do, look carefully when you do that to reduce the presence of errors that make you dizzy.

Examples of projects SINGLE BANNER AIRPUSH I uploaded to this address.
Good luck and learn to become better again.

I suggest you also read my previous posts, there is a menu "CATEGORY" in the upper corner, you can explore it. Thank you. Signs thank you will help me become better.
